Saturday, November 6, 2010

2+ YEARS Post-Op!

Well, it's hard to believe, but it's been 2 YEARS since ankle reconstruction! This whole journey has changed me much more mentally than physically, which I wasn't planning on, but desperately needed. (Which I now realize).

I take much better care of my body now. I guess I figured pre-surgery that my body was such a mess anyways, what did it matter if I played through injuries? Now, with a new ankle, and a "second chance" (as overdramatic as it sounds), I'm much smarter. I stay off my injuries, I am getting all the vitamins my body needs, I do my best not to eat processed foods and I see a muscle activation therapist weekly who helps my body keep pace with my crazy active lifestyle. :)

Even as I write this, I still can't believe that I haven't gotten back on that field. One of my main goals was to play again. But again, things have changed. I fell into a position as a Group X Instructor, and it's taken over. Definitely one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I realize it's much more important for me to help others change their lives than it is to score a goal. Do I miss soccer? Absolutely. But as more time goes by, I think about it less and less. It does help to just stay away from all elements of it. I guess it's like relapsing from a drug. It's best to just keep it out of your environment, so you're not tempted to do it again.

I've been a Group X Instructor at 24 Hour Fitness now for over a year. The class of 5 that I started with has grown to 60+, I teach two classes for 24 Hour and will be starting at Equniox here in the next couple weeks. :)

Oh, and one more little thing... I've now beat my pre-surgery race times. All except for one. :) But I like that there's always something to work for. :) Here's to another year!


For more support/stories, check out our group on facebook: Calcaneal Osteotomy

Sunday, April 11, 2010

17+ Months Post-Op

I didn't think I would post any more updates to this blog. It served its purpose for me, it got me through my tough journey, and gave me something to look back on, to see how far I had come. What I didn't realize, while creating this, was that it would serve as such a helpful tool for others, also going through a surgery like this. So not only am I leaving it up for the world to see, but I think I'll come back and post every once in a while. :)

I've gotten several emails over the last 17 months from people who've stumbled across my blog, and have had questions about surgery, or who have thanked me for the information I was able to provide. Online, you can find copious amounts of information on the procedures, but they are all extremely difficult to understand to those of us without an MD. So although you will be able to read how the procedure works, now you can find information and testimonials from REAL people, who have real feelings and emotions, and have gone through these procedures themselves. There's no information like the truth, to help you weigh the pros and cons of a surgery like this.

That said, this leads me to Dave's blog. Dave is going to have a similar procedure, and is posting about his journey as well. You go, Dave. :) I encourage you all to check his blog for information, as well as to wish him luck in his journey.

And me? I'm doing just great! After about 7 months of teaching Athletic Training at 24 Hour Fitness' Valley Ranch Location, I have over 50+ members attending, several of which have lost over 10 lbs in my class. They are extremely inspiring and motivating to me. Teaching has given me a new purpose in life, one that I wasn't able to see with soccer in the way. I have yet to really play soccer, and to be honest, I'm not sure I'll ever play again. I still can't say that without tears, but I've found there are more important things in life. If I were to play soccer and blow out my ankle (high probability of this, if I play), I would never forgive myself. Everything I've worked so hard for, to throw it away would be moronic. I have a responsibility to my members now, and that motivates me more than playing soccer for myself ever could. I'm helping people. Inspiring them. It's amazing. I've also been offered a second class which starts tomorrow, at the Preston Center location. I never thought this would be me, but now, I could never go back. I am so grateful!

Another thing I couldn't have done without this surgery? 22 hours of boot camp in 2 days. That's right. I was one of the models/trainers/boot-campers featured in a DVD that was shot over two 11-hour days (see picture above). It was grueling! But my ankle was fine, it was amazing! The DVD as well as the web site should launch soon, right now you can visit the facebook page and become a fan, Doug Rice's Bridalicious Boot Camp.

I see the doc next month for what should be my very last appointment, ever! A year and a half. Wow. I never thought I'd see the day! I can't wait to see him. I've never been so excited to go see a Doctor. This is what you have to look forward to, Dave. A wonderful life ahead of you.


"Whether you think you can, or can't,— you're right" - Unknown