Saturday, November 6, 2010

2+ YEARS Post-Op!

Well, it's hard to believe, but it's been 2 YEARS since ankle reconstruction! This whole journey has changed me much more mentally than physically, which I wasn't planning on, but desperately needed. (Which I now realize).

I take much better care of my body now. I guess I figured pre-surgery that my body was such a mess anyways, what did it matter if I played through injuries? Now, with a new ankle, and a "second chance" (as overdramatic as it sounds), I'm much smarter. I stay off my injuries, I am getting all the vitamins my body needs, I do my best not to eat processed foods and I see a muscle activation therapist weekly who helps my body keep pace with my crazy active lifestyle. :)

Even as I write this, I still can't believe that I haven't gotten back on that field. One of my main goals was to play again. But again, things have changed. I fell into a position as a Group X Instructor, and it's taken over. Definitely one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I realize it's much more important for me to help others change their lives than it is to score a goal. Do I miss soccer? Absolutely. But as more time goes by, I think about it less and less. It does help to just stay away from all elements of it. I guess it's like relapsing from a drug. It's best to just keep it out of your environment, so you're not tempted to do it again.

I've been a Group X Instructor at 24 Hour Fitness now for over a year. The class of 5 that I started with has grown to 60+, I teach two classes for 24 Hour and will be starting at Equniox here in the next couple weeks. :)

Oh, and one more little thing... I've now beat my pre-surgery race times. All except for one. :) But I like that there's always something to work for. :) Here's to another year!


For more support/stories, check out our group on facebook: Calcaneal Osteotomy