Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today's Ok

Originally uploaded by megalitz
Well, I've felt better about the surgery these past couple days. I had some rough couple days, but lately have been able to deal with it a bit better. I'm starting a "motivation board...or book"...probably book, that I will have pictures, letters, anything that helps remind me of why I am doing this, and help me get through it. I've already printed out several photos of past ankle injuries, this is one of them. This would happen every 6-8 wks. And I mean EVERY. Granted, it hasn't happened in almost one year, but I also haven't done anything fun either. And I've been lucky. *knocking on wood*. I need to stay as healthy as possible before the surgery so it goes as smoothly as possible. I guess I just want to get it over with. But not too much longer until the cruise and that IS exciting! I'm trying to get as much running around done as possible before the big day, and I'm even pretty far into my xmas shopping already! Good news!


Anonymous said...

OUCH! that pic looks like it hurts!

i like the book idea - hope we get to see pics of it in process...its good you are planning to be positive about the preparation...I'm sure thats hard to do...but like you said it's going to be the best thing in the long run.


Melissa said...

thanks darlin, yes im going to try to be as positive as possible!!