Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 27-

Originally uploaded by megalitz
I feel good today. Not sure where the optimistic outlook came from, but that's okay. Days are winding down, I'm feelin' good at day 27 pre-op, but I know that will soon end, so I'm just going to enjoy it. I am so lucky that we are going on that cruise beforehand, wow. I guess everything does happen for a reason.

Got me some new shoes the other day and wow do they make a difference. I ran today, first time in a while b/c of too much pain, but it was a fantastic run. I felt great. I dont feel great now...but that's okay. :)

I had another funny realization today....I was thinking about how I DESPISED running when I was younger. Training in HS and college, ugh, I would dread it. But back then, someone was forcing me to do it. Now, I absolutely LOVE running. If I can't get a run in, I'm so upset. And I'll do almost anything to get a run in! But now I'm doing it b/c I want to, not b/c I "have" to. I suppose a lot of that has to do with maturity and lack of the ability to do other things that I love and would rather do, ie: soccer, but I think the psychology of it is really interesting!

And at this point, do I dare say this...but I've been out of soccer so long, I'm almost not sure I'd rather do that than run. Maybe b/c when I play it is so involving and damaging and painful and dangerous. And running is more fun. A bit painful during, very painful after, but much less side effects then ze socca. Oh well. Buon soir. (is that how you spell it, I don't even remember...) Good night.

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