Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 108+

Ow. That's all I've got. Ow. I can walk, it's difficult and painful, but I can walk. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 105+, Week 15

Today marks my 15th week anniversary. That makes me 105 days post op. I completed my 4 weeks in the boot, and began really walking on Monday. So for the past three days I've started out and finished the day without ever getting in the boot, which is EXTREMELY exciting. Monday morning I brought it with me to work, and left it in the car, mostly as insurance. It's still sitting in the car. :) I'm trying not to use the crutches either. I put them in the back of my closet. To be rid of those walking aids is so freeing, it's an incredible feeling. I'm so happy. 

I'm so happy that I'm getting super antsy. It's 76 degrees outside. In February. There are people mowing their lawns. It smells like summer. I NEED TO RUN. But not yet. I can't. I actually have a very hard time walking without a limp. However since Monday I've made incredible progress, so I'm thinking by this weekend the limp will be gone. It's hard though, because the pain is back. It's always great when I'm at the end of a phase (like I am at the end of the 4 weeks in the boot), because I feel great, almost no pain, little soreness. But now, introducing walking into the mix, which I obviously haven't done in 100 days, is very difficult. I have a lot of pain when I walk, and a TON of pain at night. I was almost in tears last night. I want to be done with this, but know it will be a while, and so that is really frustrating.

Monday I was so happy I was tearing up, now today I'm so frustrated I am tearing up. It's quite silly, really. :) But having this frustrated feeling inside of me, well, that is what's going to get me back on that horse, so I guess I should stop complaining. I AM grateful to be walking. And I just need to remember that I've come so far, and I have to take the baby steps in between to get to where I want to go, I can't skip those crucial steps, or I will set myself back. And like I've said before, there was more than one motive behind this surgery, one of those was to take better care of myself, and this is ALL part of that. 

So, I'm going to try to put the pain out of my mind. I can get both of my worn out New Balances on without too much trouble. I tried to wear my "real" running shoes to work today, the ones that are in great shape (not stretched out) and have the orthotics in them. I got out of my house and barely sat down at my desk before I had to take them off, it was just too painful to even have them on. They are much too tight. Ugh. Baby steps, Melissa, baby steps.

Today I go to the Physical Therapist for my 4th appointment (I only go every 2 weeks), and I'm anxious to hear how much range of motion and strength I've gained in the past couple weeks. And in a couple more weeks, I will go get my body fat tested again. Dun dun dun... :) But I am starting to feel really good, when I work out I am starting to see more and more of the "athlete" Melissa, physically and mentally, and that is a wonderful feeling. In some ways I can't believe I did this...but more so, I knew I could. :) I'm ready, let's do this!

Pain: 2
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandi

"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden

(I couldn't choose between the two quotes today, they were both too pefect!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 98+, Week 14

Hooray! 14 week anniversary today! Day 98 post op. Almost at 100! I have had a very exciting last couple of days. Monday I had my best swim ever. It was great, I felt amazing, everything made sense. I "got it," everything was in sync. My breathing, my kicking, my arms. I was so happy! I went for a swim again on Tuesday, and had another really great swim. Just 3 weeks ago I could swim one length of the pool, I could do that 3 times in 20 minutes with several minutes of doggy paddling in between. Now I must have done the length of the pool at least 10 times, and twice I did two lengths in a row! I'm sure this is a bunch of nonsense to anyone reading this, but that's okay.

So today I rode the stationary bike. I did 40 minutes on the lower bike, and 10 on the upper bike. (Upper bike is much harder!) I felt so wonderful. And now I am beginning to see my hard work pay off. I am beginning to look more in shape. It's terrific! I tried the rowing machine today, first time I was able to do it. My second attempt, however. The first time I tried with my boot on, that doesn't work so well. And at that point I couldn't take my boot off, so I had to wait on the rowing machine. I did the rowing machine today and was able to bend my ankle quite a bit. Did my sit-ups, the usual. Starting to get my "real" life back. Went tanning, went to the grocery store, made some dinner, did some baking for Juan, and then... I took a SHOWER. My first shower! Oh, wait. Maybe second. was teh first time I could do it semi-comfortably. The bath mat was killing me though. It has these raised circles for "traction" and it felt like I was stepping on huge rocks. Oh well, couldn't ruin my exercise high!

I spoke with the PA (physician's assistant) last week. He said I needed to be in the boot for 4 weeks. Which is rather confusing to me, since the surgeon told me 3 weeks ago that I was "good to go" and it was "rock solid." The PA wasn't in the room for my last appt with the surgeon, so I don't think he knows what's going on, but I heeded his advice anyways, because healing correctly is important to me, and I'd rather be safe than sorry. So 4 weeks in the boot is Friday, so as of then I will start walking more. I'm kind of taking advantage of it not being 4 weeks yet. I'm walking in the boot just fine, and my knees are bothering me less. Probably b/c I am doing less walking. Oh well.

So I feel super duper. I still can't walk in the mornings. It's super painful in the morning. It's like it does not function for the first 15 minutes I am awake, it's weird. Well, that's all I've got for now, my concentration is shot. Hooray for 98 days. I'm so happy and proud of myself. I feel so motivated and I have so much hope. I needed this surgery for numerous reasons, and now I'm starting to see the benefits of surgery in more than one way. I feel I have matured quite a bit, and my eyes have been opened to several other athletic activities, like...swimming that I'm giving an honest chance. I may even join some sort of swim program. After my "money diet" is over. :)


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 91+, 13 weeks

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Originally uploaded by megalitz
13 week anniversary, can you believe it?! After a week of walking in the boot, I have successfully hyperextended/thrown out both knees. Now I remember exactly why I always try to get out of this thing early. It really messes up the rest of your body!

Took a week off of swimming, just did stationary bike. That went well. Got in the pool for the first time yesterday and actually it felt a lot better. If I concentrate on NOT concentrating on the ankle and the pain, I can swim well. I know, sounds crazy. But when I am conscious of my injured right ankle, my right leg doesn't kick at all while swimming. It just floats there.

Yesterday was the first day I was able to fit both feet into shoes! I pulled out the most worn-in and stretched out pair of sneakers I have, gritted my teeth, held my breath, and inserted my foot. Yee-ouch. But it's okay. It fit! So I walked around most of yesterday in my sneaker, sans boot, sans crutches. It was nice. Painful, but nice. There feels like there is layers of "stuff" in between the bottom of my foot and the shoe itself. Really pretty gross. I'll be excited when the swelling in my heel goes down and am able to touch the outside of my heel, it is still insanely painful and disgusting. But it looks wonderful!

So here is a pic of my feet, in my shoes. Although you can't tell from the photo. That's okay, I had fun blowing out the contrast and playing with the image. I had PT this am, he was impressed with my progress. Thank goodness. Considering the last time I saw him he told me to quit it at the gym until I could walk. And today I was walking in shoes! He wants me to call the Doc and ensure that's okay, but I think it will be fine. I'll call anyways though.

The PT said I have gained quite a bit of strength and a LOT of range of motion in the past two weeks. That's exciting. He gave me more new exercises, some including some hip muscle ones, apparently I have proximal hip muscle weakness, from being on crutches so long, it's hard for my body to hold my hips up. Odd, but I believe it. I can feel it!

Pain: 1-2. 3 by the end of the night. Still no pain meds. Advil actually does seem to be helping a bit, finally...hooray!!
Quote: Grr. Book is not here. I need a better system. :)

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz
Getting in shape, getting happier...slowly but surely! 2/3/09

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz
Great pic of the peg leg, 2/3/09

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz

Day 90+

Originally uploaded by megalitz

Day 82+

Originally uploaded by megalitz
A little out of order, but day 82 was the first day I could really stand in the boot sans crutches with weight equally distributed between both feet.