Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 51+

Originally uploaded by megalitz
It's day 51 post op, wow! Photo is from day 50+. It's looking really, really great, and feeling better even though the progress is slow. It's hard to see day to day progress, but week to week and month to month progress is quite evident. Thank goodness!

I can almost bend my right foot towards my body as much as my left. The swelling goes down every day, and the scab/scars look better every day as well. It's...*tear*...starting to resemble a real and possibly healthy ankle! I have a long way to go, the bones, especially the ones on the top of my foot and the ball of my foot still feel broken, the heel feels better, it can touch blankets and things without being super painful.

I'm able to "workout" too, a little! Today was my most "normal" day since before surgery. I went tanning, got a salad from Central Market, worked out, etc. Three normal things! Yay! My workouts are fun, one-legged fun, of course. But today I was doing jumping jacks on my left leg with no pain in the right whatsoever!

3 weeks until my next doctor's appointment. Yay! I'm glad its 3 weeks and not 2, I know I need as much time in between as possible. Maybe I won't nearly pass out at the next appointment. :)

Pain: yeah it hurts, i worked out today. ;) pain is a 2.
Quote: "A person is not old until regrets take the place of dreams" - John Barrymore


Rick, Renee, Lauren, the Twins said...

Congrats on your recovery things do look great! Hope you haven't been cursing my name everyday during your recovery.

Melissa said...

hey thanks! not at all! although i am really scared to actually get to that "weight bearing" day... i re-read your post when you explained how excrutiating that first step was... *gulp*