Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 8+

DSC00481_72 both
Originally uploaded by megalitz
Sooo, I missed a day of blogging, oh well. Instead I got to get an iPhone! Yippie! I signed up for it online, and thought my boss would be able to pick it up for me, but it turned out that I had to be there to sign for the 2-yr contract with AT&T. I knew my foot wasn't ready for that. But I really wanted that iPhone! So I went. And so I am paying for it today. It hurts pretty badly today. I didn't sleep well at all, it's very sore, and when I put it down from its elevated position, it hurts about three times as bad as usual when the blood rushes down to my toes. its a different feeling then before too, it makes me a bit nervous. But I did get the phone, which actually has what we're hoping is a software and not a hardware issue that I am trying to fix right now.

But I took it easy today. My boyfriend's sister and her new baby came over and brought me lunch and hung out with me, it was lots of fun. Nice to have some company and good timing since I was pretty down today b/c I feel like I took a step backwards. My splint feels looser, which I guess is good since that means the overall swelling is down, but it actually makes it hurt more b/c my leg is banging against the sides of it, making it really sore. Anyways, thats my recap.

Day 7 (yesterday) pain: 5.5
Quote: "Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has ov ercome to reach his goals." -Dorothy Height

Day 8 pain: 6.75
Quote: "If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up." -Norman Vincent Peale

1 comment:

Kimbers said...

I hope your ankle is feeling better, and that your iPhone gets fixed so at least the pain will be worth the entertainment! only 1 week till I come bother u :)